Thursday, January 18, 2007

I Have Lots of Friends

I thought I would tell you of my many friends. Without them, I wouldn't be here blogging away.

First, I'll tell you of my family. I live with five Border Collies. Life with them is lots of fun. I love to play with them. Moe is the oldest. She is ten and a half. Don't tell her that, though. She thinks she is a little puppy still. Moe is the Queen of the House! She'll beat you up if you get her mad. She is a fun playmate most of the time. Next comes Barney. He is a rescue, like me. He's almost eight. He's lots of fun, too. Barney loves to bark. Next comes my good friend, Iggy. He has epilepsy and has to take drugs. He's still a good playmate though, but I have to be gentle with him. Rookie is two. He is my best playmate. He is red and quite a little devil. We play very rough sometimes. The newest addition to my house is Tubbs (AKA Tubbie). He is three. We rescued him, too. He used to be very fat, but now he is thin and very active. He is fun to get rough with, too. We have sheep to play with, too!

My friends include Ringo, who lives in New York. We were on a DAM team together doing USDAA agility. We didn't do very well, but we had a great time. We were very entertaining. I also like BJ and Riley. My mom says that it was BJ who convinced her to keep me!! BJ is a very cool ACD who also likes agility. Riley lives with BJ. He is red and also quite cool. They also have a Border Collie named Minnie. I have a girlfriend in Utah named Roo. She is young and very pretty, blue,with a double mask. She is growing up, and learning. I hope to play with her someday. We could have hours of fun. Roo has a sister named Kinka, who also is pretty. They were born in Canada(SK). Their mom is a beautiful red girl named Giddy.

I seem to make friends everywhere I go. I think it's because I always have a smile for everyone, especially if they have some treats!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zip my love,
Do I need to come and teach that Moe a thing or two about how to treat my bf??!!
You are such a sweetheart to play so gentle with Iggy, right now my sister Luna has to be real careful with me because she is so much bigger then me, it must be hard to be gentle with one the same size as you!
I know why you have so many friends Zip... it is because you have beautiful eyes, that makes people see you .. and then they get to know you and they love you almost as much as I do!!
Take care of yourself handsome, and give your mirror self a kiss from me!
Love Ms. Roo