Thursday, March 15, 2007


Hi all,
Nothing much exciting going on around here this week. My mom isn't doing too much because of she has arthritis in her hips. She has been hurting, so she lays around a lot. This can be good or bad depending on how you look at it. On one hand, she has been laying around with me, and the rest of the dogs here, bonding. On the other hand, she doesn't feel like working with us on the agility equipment, or walking with us. She hasn't even taken me to work with her. I really miss going to work. I have many friends there, and I get lots of treats.

I hope this pain thing stops cramping her style soon. When her style is cramped, so is mine. Nobody is having fun this week.

1 comment:

Ms. Roo said...

Oh dear!
Cramped style ... owwies ...
this is no good Zip!!
Have you at least gotten to chase Beth?
Give your Mom bit sloppy kisses works on getting my mom moving.. especially in the ear and nose .. that will usually get me at least a short walk.
Did you hear I am going to meet me some sheep? Well with your Mom not feeling well you probably haven't.
But we will talk about it later.
Take Care and be careful not to lose that studly body with all the laying around!
Love Roo